The Sovereign Path

The Pioneer Code For Our New World. 


The world around you becomes more unsettled by the day. And equally within, your internal world becomes more uncomfortable, fraught with the types of questions you never dreamed you’d be asking. 

You’ve been here before, when you first awoke, when the veil first lifted and you realised what a powerful, spiritual being you are.

But this time it’s different. It’s more intense. 

This next awakening calls for a reclamation of sovereignty. 

Reclaim with the DNA Key


The Pioneer Code For Our New World. 

The world around you becomes more unsettled by the day. And equally within, your internal world becomes more uncomfortable, fraught with the types of questions you never dreamed you’d be asking. 

You’ve been here before, when you first awoke, when the veil first lifted and you realised what a powerful, spiritual being you are.

But this time it’s different. It’s more intense. 

This next awakening calls for a reclamation of sovereignty. 


Reclaim with The DNA Key

"DNA is the very essence of sOul"


You are an ancient being in a modern world, desperately trying to figure out how you fit. The crystals don’t pack the same punch they used to, the tarot begins to beg more questions than it answers.


Your ancient Soul is crying out for you to go within, to listen to your own wisdom that spans lifetimes, to really hear what YOU have to offer.

It’s time to embody your personal power at the highest level possible; your unconditional freedom via sovereignty. 


The DNA Key is simultaneously a remembrance and a rebirth. It collapses timelines, pulling forth your ancient wisdom and your future resolution into the now. 

All that is becoming, becomes. All that is evolving, evolves.

All that is healing, heals. 


These codes support you as you pioneer your own new world, designing it to match your desired vibration, vision and destiny. 

As you move through this initiation you will find yourself fast tracking into the depths of your Soul, dismantling every last ounce of conditioning along the way so that you can once again emerge, empowered and limitless. 

This process of energy work is also a potent realignment journey for those physically, mentally or spiritually affected by the negative darkness.


"I really am now in control of my body again" - Stacey

sov·​er·​eign·​ty noun: freedom from external control

I’m Ready To Walk This Path

As you work with this code, you will be guided through an active meditation, working with the multidimensional self. As you merge your past, present and future and realign lost connections to your Higher Self, any galactic attachments and any unserving consciousness from the collective start to repel. 


You will feel your determination and bravery expanding, the willingness to walk paths you’ve always dreamed but never dared becomes irresistible. Breaking free mentally, emotionally, practically and spiritually will become a non-negotiable that you are completely prepared to navigate. Survival mode becomes a thing of the past, as it is healed by your future. 

This is far from surface level work, do not underestimate the power of a seemingly simple meditation. If you are open and willing, this will transcend every spiritual practice you have ever witnessed or participated in. 

 * * * 

As you can see from those who have already walked this path, this is like a homecoming, a connection to self previously unknown or explored. 

Simultaneously learn from and release the past in order to be more present, only taking forth your Divine wisdom and none of the human baggage. 

Working at many layers, The DNA Key will align you to your original Soul Self by clearing trauma from your lineage and past lives. As this highest vibration enters on a cellular, emotional and mental level you create more space to live in your authentic expression and open up a new level of receiving. 

* * * 

"I am truly grateful to Rachael for the gift of the roses, there are not really any words that can truly express that gratitude.

For me the DNA Key has been more a remembering of my own strength and wisdom, they hold my inner wisdom and I now have them activated and assisting me even when I am not aware of it." - Cheryl

Self Guided Journey Offerings


* DNA Key - Individual


* DNA Key - Family 


The self guided journeys are self paced, offering 44 days access with all the tools to embody the full power and grace of these codes so you can easily reap the benefits in your daily life. You have the Choice!!!! Journey the 30 min guided journey and walk away knowing it is working its magic behind the sceanes or fully embrace the expereince and complete the bonus videos and get to know the DNA key in a more intimate way.


Another option is to work with one of the internationally recognised DNA Key Weavers (Practitioners) in person.

The Weavers

 "The DNA Key is a 1hr energetic-body work session on steroids.  Like nothing else.  It is the mother of all detoxes, a saturation of unconditional love, a reclamation of ‘f… yes I am HERE’, a second fully body rinse just for good measure and, finally; the holy grail; a full system upgrade to the latest and greatest operating system aka code.  All fully you. Our human can struggle with the simplicity, ease and magnitude.  Just like all new things really.  Treat your Self." - Renaye

What my clients are saying....

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Self Guided DNA Key

An individual journey to nurture and integrate at a deep sOul level. 

➔ We are now offering the DNA Key upgraded which is a 30 min activated guided journey, with Phase one & two combined as the collective can now hold this vibration


For those that really want to explore what this code is about you can journey the phases really understanding the magnitude of the code.

➔ Phase One: Clearing, destabilising of ai and recalibration, delivered via video 

➔ Phase Two: Embodiment & Protection, delivered via video

➔ Preparation, Integration & Reflection

➔ 6 weeks of access to embody the highest code on the planet at this current time

➔ Bonus content, activations & embodiment tools to assist you at this time of great change

➔ All the extras for a lower price point

I ask that this code is respected and valued.  It is not to be shared as per terms and conditions.


Self Guided DNA Key

This option gives you time to journey the codes and added savings from buying as a package. It is recommended for 4-6 people.

➔ We are offering the DNA Key upgraded which is a 30 min activated guided journey, with Phase one & two combined as the collective can now hold this vibration


For those that really want to explore what this code is about you can journey the phases really understanding the magnitude of the code.

➔ Phase One: Clearing, destabilising of ai and recalibration, delivered via video

➔ Phase Two: Embodiment & Protection, delivered via video

➔ Preparation, Integration & Reflection

➔ 6 weeks access so all your family members can feel confident in their protection

➔ MORE Bonus content, activations and embodiment tools

➔ Coupon for heavily discounted private session

I ask that this code is respected and valued.  It is not to be shared beyond 6 people as per terms and conditions.


Your guide on this journey

Rachael Te Wano

"My service to you as sovereign beings is to offer you this choice and hand you the keys to empower yourself. For I know the power of the
human spirit".

This code is like nothing else I have received - the magnitude that is held within this simple yet powerful guided active meditation simply blows my mind each and every time I guide sOuls through it.”

Not only is it

The pioneer code for the new world, it works on a spiritual, emotional and cellular level to align you to your sovereign voice.

Bringing you home to the TRUTH of yourself


As we stand facing a world we never prepared for.

We stand facing a choice that carries more weight than many can comprehend.

My place in this new world is to ensure you have the ability to choose again, and to reclaim your body sovereignty with grace.

People from all walks of life have stepped forward for the DNA Key

Here is just some of their insights

Julie Fedele 

Firstly I wanted to say that after our session I got my second vaccine and did the visualisation as you suggested and I had zero symptoms!

It was so wild because I was very unwell with the first one and apparently the second is quite bad.

I felt strong & protected thank you

Wendy Watters


I've loved the DNA Key activation Rachael.

So powerful, each time I journeyed deeper, working my way through the layers for clearing, healing and empowerment.

Thank you 


Teresa Franco


It is beyond belief how far you can travel on a spiritual journey with this lovely lady to hold your hand. The DNA Key is an amazing journey of freedom, thank you so much Rachael.

I am walking in my own power

Helen & Family

Our family was required to be vaccinated for work and university attendance. Rachael’s insightful energy work with four of the five of us was very supportive. participating in Rachael’s clearing and balancing protocol was highly reassuring and I am confident that her work provided us with valuable prevention of any potential ill effects.

DNA KEY - Individual


Self Guided

One Time Payment

44 days access

Savings of $333

Bonus content


DNA KEY - Family


Self Guided

One Time Payment

4 - 6 people

Savings of $1333

Bonus content


I've Still Got Questions

No worries - check out the most frequently asked ones below...

Earths People Will Rise Again



Your birth right is that of choice - It is time to re claim your body, your sOul connection and your inner knowing.


For you my LoVe are so deeply needed at this time of great change and choice point