$1,222.00 AUD

3 monthly payments

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8 Week Reset - Payment Plan


Are you ready to Receive..

*Me by your side for the entire 8 weeks

This is the only mentoring I offer with private sessions, all my other offerings are within a group setting

*4 PRIVATE soul healing sessions in 8 weeks

You will have private sessions every two weeks, with a week in between each for integration and embodiment

1 Private Planning Call

*Support emails and reflection sheets to assist your unfolding

*Activations and initiations, the keys to your inner worlds for you are your own saviour, you are your own guru and everything is already inside of you, I am here to walk with you, to guide, to witness you and share my gifts with you so you may unlock more of yourself

*Journeys into past life contracts, lineage contracts, ancestral trauma, DNA and more. We will get right into the root of your blocks. This co-creation will take you through a beautiful unfolding of higher consciousness within 

 Bonus: 8 Weeks access to the Golden Rose Temple where all my meditations, activations and teachings reside

What People Are Saying:

Rachael has held space for me in such a gentle and nurturing way and supported me by working with her incredible gift. The journey's and experiences I've had with Rachael have blown my mind in the best possible way and she has opened me up to a whole new way of thinking.

Amy Dean