Book A 1:1 Session


It is my privilege to spend time with you, with such great change and transformation upon us. I felt drawn to share wisdom to support you no matter where you are in your life. This is your safe space to receive and receice some more because you know what...

Your Exhale


A space for you to receive fully.

To be present with your spirit, your body your world.


A space to bee open to bliss and gain practical simple techniques to enhance your external reality.


My commitment to you is ongoing as I want you to know in these changing times you are not alone, you are fully supported and felt.


Ready for more? 

Enter The Golden Rose Mystery School

Rose Initiation

A gift of remembrance

Journey with me and the Magdalene’s as we initiate the remembering of the ROSE within you. The rose merges into your high heart awakening the petals of wisdom that will now be available to you.

Enjoy!! it is my honour to walk with you.

The Way of the Womb


An opportunity for you to receive and connect deeper to the power and wisdom of your womb portal.

Together we will experience womb connection practises, movement, light language blessing and a cellular womb clearing.

Let's Chat


A wonderful way to get a feel for one another, to ask questions and see what offerings will support you the most.

Soul Embodiment- Akashic Journey’s - Light Language - Lineage Healing - Cellular Upgrades - Activations - Past Life Clearing - Entity Removal - Embodiment Practises - Womb Wisdom - Ceremonies - DNA Key- Weavers Training 

Your Free 15 Min Call

Fear to Sovereignty

The Field of Red & Bonus Crystallix Pond  

Connect to your primal strength and unwavering self as we take this guided journey to experience the Field of Red within the Sovereign Path DNA Key. Have you ever wanted to walk fearless in your life?

Hold a sense of I KNOW WHO I AM and where I am going, trusting innately in yourself

Let us join in sacred space and explore your primal power the simple magnitude of all that you are and have always been.

Let us simplify and demystify the power of your soul to lead your mind.


Join our community of Oneness.


Receive insights, gifts and all the updates as they are offered.

Your details are sacred to us xxx