Book A 1:1 Session


DNA Key Informed Consent


What to expect:

  • The DNA Key is an energetic clearing and attunement to the highest code currently available on the planet. 
  • The DNA Key is delivered in person, remotely or in a group setting by a Weaver (trained practitioner) via guided meditation, including visualisation, sound, colour, frequency and sacred geometry.
  • This guided meditation is a simple, yet profound, organic multidimensional journey into the heart and the core of Mother Gaia.  Clients are invited to gently release any negative past life experiences and energetic influences, expand their capacity for unconditional love, reclaim their primal self, reclaim their sovereign higher self connection, and upgrade to the pioneer code of our new world.
  • Sessions take 40-60 minutes.  Allow time either side to settle in to your surroundings and share if you feel to.
  • You don't need to 'do' anything.  Simply 'be'.  You are invited to close you eyes throughout the experience and to be seated upright to maintain conscious awareness.  You are in control at all times.  There is no physical contact between client and practitioner or 'Weaver'.
  • You may feel sensations of heat, cold, energy waves through the body or may simply feel deep relaxation or 'oneness'. Some clients experience a sense of wellbeing or insight.  Some may feel emotions arise.  Each experience is
    highly individual, each phase of the journey may feel different and you may have a different experience every time.  You are invited to observe your experience and resist judging or creating a story around it.
  • While this journey is considered gentle and non-invasive, it is possible that physical and emotional after-effects may occur.  If you feel any discomfort at any point during the journey, please inform your Weaver immediately and consult your medical/emotional support team.
  • If you are under 18 years of age or incapacitated, please provide consent from your legal guardian before booking a session.  A support person during the journey may also be appropriate.  Weavers may not have a 'Working with Children' check or a current 'First Aid Certificate'.


"DNA is the very essence of sOul"


A new frame of reference:

  • 'DNA' is defined as the very essence of soul, and
  • 'Key' is a tool that unlocks. 


  • “us”, “we” or “our” means Rachael Te Wano, any guests or team members commissioned by Rachael Te Wano and The Sovereign Path DNA Key Weavers (trained practitioners).
  • “you” or “your” means the purchaser of one of our products/services and/or the user of the website.
  • “Weavers” are The Sovereign Path DNA Key trained practitioners.


Engaging with The Sovereign Path DNA Key is a personal journey that should not be entered into lightly.  It is offered for your experience and may result in feelings and/or emotions being expressed or coming to the surface.  You are invited to observe feelings/emotions that may arise as opportunities for contemplation and expansion.  You are fully responsible for your own wellbeing, choices and actions.

The Sovereign Path DNA Key is the sole expression and opinion of the owner, author or Weaver (trained practitioner) delivering the journey.  No matter what language, tone or form of communication is used in any circumstance;

  • no claims or promises are ever made,
  • no advice is ever given,
  • no harm is ever intended,
  • no warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied.

Weavers are in no way ‘qualified’ or ‘endorsed’ by the trainer, author or owner to give any advice upon completing their training.

By engaging with The Sovereign Path DNA Key, you therefore agree to forever release, waive and discharge Rachael Te Wano, any guests or team members commissioned to assist in the delivery of The Sovereign Path DNA Key, and any Weavers from any and all legal claims and liability, without limitation, in both their public and private capacity.

You acknowledge and agree that when you participate in The Sovereign Path DNA Key guided meditation journey, either live or pre-recorded, that we are not rendering professional advice of any kind to you personally, without limitation.  We are offering you an experience.  You acknowledge and agree that when participating in The Sovereign Path DNA Key guided meditation journey, there is the possibility of physical injury and/or emotional distress, and you assume the risk and responsibility for any such results, and you agree that you are fully responsible for your own state of health, physical condition and wellbeing.

Please ensure that (1) you have no health or fitness problems; (2) you are not taking any medication which may affect your ability to safely participate in the meditation and you do not do the meditation under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol; and (3) please ensure that you have consulted your physician if you are pregnant.

Contraindications for energy healing via meditation may include and are not limited to people undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, those with pacemakers, being under anaesthesia, having unset broken bones, having unhealed amputated body parts, having epilepsy, diabetics who inject insulin, those taking blood pressure medication, thyroid or adrenal medication.  Symptoms of chronic conditions may be temporarily aggravated by energy healing.  If there is any doubt, please ensure that you consult a physician before receiving the Sovereign Path DNA Key.

Thank you for respecting the dedicated work that went into these offerings, and refrain from recording sessions or sharing purchased recordings.

Anything shared during sessions will remain confidential unless we are legally or morally obligated to disclose information.