Book A Session

Your Host

Rachael Te Wano is a multi-dimensional sOul healer and womb shaman. She has walked with the Masters since she was a child and holds the vibration of Source as she believes we ALL do, she is the full embodiment of I AM. With the power of these teachings and initiations she is in full service to facilitate YOUR awakening and remembering of all that you are.

It is her vision to assist you to unlock the deep remembering within, so you may walk the path of limitless Oneness.

Rachael works in Co-Creation with your Highest Self, using etheric and practical modalities of energy work, light language, sacred sound, womb wisdom and Akashic clearings. The unique combination of these gifts Rachael uses will facilitate the clearing of your blocks and anchor in higher vibrations, activations and codes on all levels of time and space.

Rachael will walk with you on this magical journey, which allows her service and guidance to be exactly what you need for where you are at on your path.

You will be seen, heard, felt and healed to a depth like never before and it is not said lightly, it will transform your life.

This journey is one to enter fully and completely to come back into union with your heart and the divine blueprint of your soul.

Are you ready to walk with her?